Choir Policies

Seating Plan
At the discretion of the Artistic Director, a seating plan may be formulated. This is done for the betterment of the sound of the group as a whole, and as such your co-operation is appreciated.

Music Policy

The music librarian will ensure each paid member has a complete set of music. This music belongs to the choir and is to be properly cared for. Notations in pencil are acceptable; pens and highlighters are not to be used to mark the music. Professional black music folders are available for purchase.  Simple black music folders may be borrowed from the librarian and returned with your music at the end of the season. Practice tracks may also be made available.

Audition Policy

As we near the Spring concert, solo parts must be assigned. This is done through an audition process. The Artistic Director’s choices are based on the style and nature of the solo part. Examples are: requirement for a male or female character, age of character, type and range of music. Choices are the sole responsibility of the Artistic Director.

Performance Dress Code
Unless otherwise advised, choir members are to wear black, long-sleeved shirts or blouses. Men are to wear black dress pants; women can wear floor-length black dress skirts or black dress pants. Black socks or stockings and polished black shoes are also required. Belts should be black and jewellery should be kept to a minimum. We have a costume policy and you are required to be appropriately dressed if you wish to perform. Please do not wear perfume or scented hair spray at performances or practices.
Members are required to maintain their casual uniform T-shirts in good condition throughout the season and wear them for performances when directed to do so.

Performance Skills Bottom-Line Policy
The Artistic Director is responsible for all areas pertaining to repertoire, musical arrangements, accompaniment, practice, and performance of choral material.The Artistic Director reserves the right to accept new members later in the season at their discretion.

All members should strive to make their voice heard as one voice. In other words, an individual voice should blend in and should not emerge from the choral texture. This is distracting for other singers, and overall the music suffers. The Artistic Director will be happy to meet with you if you are experiencing difficulties.

Social Media Policy

Member Social Media Policy (Link)